Water Resources

Matthew Jones offers national expertise in the full lifecycle of stormwater control design, implementation, maintenance, and performance monitoring.

Ryan Berg has decades of experience in design, evaluation, refurbishment, and construction of dams, hydroelectric developments, and hydraulic structures.
Maintaining vibrant communities and a healthy natural environment requires mindful management of our precious water resources. Today’s sophisticated modeling can enable long-term planning that successfully addresses the concerns of diverse stakeholders and the often-competing needs of today and tomorrow.

Advancing New and Existing Supply Resources
From identifying new raw water sources to building new supply infrastructure and effectively managing existing resources, Hazen is a leader in all aspects of water resource development:
- Raw Water Supply Infrastructure
- Water Supply Planning
- Water Demand Forecasting and Analysis
- Water Resource Economics
- Applied Research
- Climate Adaptation
- Dams, Reservoirs, and Levees
- Groundwater Facilities
- Source Water Protection
- Stormwater
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Hazen's OASIS software is able to model virtually any water system quickly and accurately.
Our Work
From local to national-scale solutions, we can help you confidently – and cost-effectively – ensure a reliable water supply now and into the future.