Climate Resiliency

Alan Davis leads collaboration across a multi-disciplinary group at Hazen to evaluate and address the broad range of climate impacts faced by the communities we serve throughout the water sector.
More and more communities across the country are being forced to deal with the impacts of evolving climate conditions. Without proper planning and preparation, these events can cause catastrophic damage to homes, businesses, and the lives of residents. These conditions also often endanger water and wastewater infrastructure and require changes to operating protocols to maintain service when under threat, compounding their devastating impacts and complicating recovery efforts.

Achieve Resiliency and Preparedness
Hazen helps clients identify and prepare for a range of climate conditions such as extreme precipitation and hurricanes, sea level rise, coastal flooding, extreme heat, wildfire, and decreased supply from drought or turbidity. Our full-service climate adaptation services include regional and municipal planning, data management, and stakeholder outreach, in addition to designing and overseeing construction of dikes and levees, green infrastructure, water supply infrastructure, water reuse/reclamation facilities, and/or desalination facilities.
Our Work
Hazen’s climate resiliency services are integrated with our stormwater, wastewater, and water quality management solutions to support long-term planning, community sustainability, service reliability, regulatory compliance, and infrastructure protection.