
Sean FitzGerald is a national authority and leading author of conveyance industry best practices.
The network of pumps, pipes, and sewers that transport
water are the backbone of any drinking water or wastewater system. With
deteriorating infrastructure and limited capacity as rising threats, utilities
need pragmatic, cost-effective strategies to maintain and expand these networks
to protect our communities’ access to utility services, property, and public

Critical Infrastructure Experts
Hazen's buried infrastructure and award-winning pump station design capabilities have been applied to complex conveyance systems nationwide. We have helped establish industry best practices in asset management, condition assessment, and inflow and infiltration (I/I) studies.
We integrate information from multiple sources such as client data, sewer databases, field testing, and inspections to ensure you are provided a comprehensive risk analysis and any potential repair or rehabilitation work is prioritized. Our solutions often provide immediate operational benefits and long-term cost reduction.
Our Work
As a national leader in conveyance systems, we can help you successfully mitigate the risks of aging, failing infrastructure and the challenges associated with complex new construction. No one understands cost-effective conveyance better than Hazen. The result is reliable infrastructure, now and for years to come.