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all things water®

Contact Us

498 Seventh Ave, 11th Floor
New York, NY 10018

(212) 539-7000

Operations Assistance

T.J. Lynch

Today, aging facilities, limited budgets, and changing populations, regulations, weather, and capital improvement schedules all make maintaining stable facility operations more challenging. Successful facility startup and operation depends not only on the design, but also on operating personnel having a good understanding of the interaction between systems and equipment.

User-Friendly, Collaborative Startup, O&M, and Safety

Hazen’s locally-based staff brings user-friendly, collaborative methods to work hand-in-hand with your operations staff throughout the life cycle of the project. We have helped some of the world’s largest and most complicated facilities with startup, troubleshooting, and operations improvements. Our in-depth knowledge of process design, and close work with our design and construction management teams, allow us to provide valuable operability reviews prior to construction and regulatory compliance help. Additionally, we have extensive knowledge with Occupational Safety & Health Administration (OSHA) regulatory requirements.

All of these efforts depend on successful knowledge transfer to your staff – we provide expert training and O&M manuals that avoid information overload and push the process control decision-making to frontline operators.

Our Work

Hazen looks for operational changes before design improvements to solve problems. Our recommendations are tailored to match your budget and often introduce cost-savings. Operations assistance helps you address problems before they occur and avoid costly unplanned failures – giving you the tools to make the most of your facility.