Economic and Financial Services

Tim Devine is Hazen’s Economic and Financial Services Group Leader and an expert in water and wastewater utility financial analysis.
After working alongside utilities for decades, we understand the complexities you face in making decisions that can have significant impacts on your organization and community. We also know how important it is to gain insight into the outcomes of different options in advance to select cost-effective alternatives.

Affordability, Cost-Effectiveness, and Economic Sustainability Analysis
Hazen’s Economic and Financial Services group offers benefit-cost analyses, financial feasibility studies, and fiscal impact assessments to support water and wastewater utility and government water resource agency decision-making.
We perform infrastructure and program feasibility studies, water demand forecasting and management, asset management, financial capability assessments, affordability studies, long-term planning, regulatory impact assessment, and resource valuation. In addition to a suite of econometric modeling, statistical, and valuation methods, our analytic tools include our own solutions we have developed – a business case evaluation tool to compare the cost-effectiveness of alternatives and a financial model that calculates impacts of alternative production and treatment technologies on utility costs and net revenue.
Our Work
Our economists analyze the affordability and economic sustainability of the choices you face, as well as evaluate funding. We apply a project performance standard designed to withstand legal challenge. We also work closely with our water, wastewater, reuse, and stormwater engineers to tailor our analytical tools to your individual decision-making needs.