
Dr. Paul Pitt is Hazen’s Director of Wastewater Technology and a leading national expert in wastewater treatment plant design and operation.
Utilities in the water sector are increasingly challenged to do more with less. Process intensification via densification can allow utilities to extract maximum value from existing infrastructure through implementation of innovative treatment approaches and technologies.

Densified activated sludge (DAS) allows utilities to provide robust treatment for carbon, nitrogen, and phosphorus within a compact footprint while also reducing energy and chemical consumption typical of conventional activated sludge or membrane bioreactors.
We understand the intricacies of DAS, having been a pioneer in the use of metabolic and kinetic selection for improving sludge settleability.
Our Work
From pilot-scale to field investigations to full-scale design to operational support, we know how to apply both non-proprietary and proprietary technologies to stably achieve DAS in a cost-effective manner.