Industry Experts to Present at the 2023 Water Quality Technology Conference

(DALLAS, TX - October 19, 2023) – Join Hazen at the 2023 Water Quality Technology Conference (WQTC) in Dallas from Nov. 5-8. Our leading experts from across the country will present insights on managing cyanotoxins, using data analytics and machine learning to optimize operations and accelerate the design process, corrosion control, PFAS treatment strategies, the use of carbon-based advanced treatment (CBAT) in potable reuse, and more.
This year Hazen staff will contribute 21 presentations to the technical program, joining more than 1,000 representatives from forward-thinking utilities and other water industry professionals in sharing knowledge at this important conference. Reflecting the needs of a growing number of communities, the amount of the technical program dedicated to potable reuse is steadily expanding, with Hazen engineers contributing to the conversation.
“Reuse has a huge role in a secure water future,” said Hazen Drinking Water Practice Lead Erik Rosenfeldt. “And not just in traditional water-stressed areas anymore. Communities often have multiple reasons to be looking at reuse and you’ll see our focus as an industry turning toward understanding those benefits.”
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Click on image above to expand and view the full agenda of Hazen presentations.
A highlight of this year’s conference is the presentation of the Emerald Erlenmeyer Award to Hazen Director of Water and Reuse Innovations Christine Owen. Given by the American Water Works Association (AWWA) Water Science and Research Division, the award recognizes Owens’ sustained service and contributions, along with her demonstrated creativity, initiative, and dedication to the division. Owen has served on the division’s Board of Trustees for eight years, including two years as the Vice Chair and three years as the Chair. The award will be presented at the Opening General Session of the conference.
One of several events organized annually by the American Water Works Association, WQTC provides a forum for industry professionals to exchange the latest research, information, and lab techniques to address water quality problems, treatment processes, new regulations, and emerging issues. Hazen looks forward to this year’s event and the opportunity to contribute unique and constructive approaches to address the most challenging drinking water problems facing the industry.